Easy Carnivorous Plants: Explore, Learn, Buy

Les Plantes Carnivores et les Mouches : Tout ce que Vous Devez Savoir

Les Plantes Carnivores et les Mouches : Tout ce...

Salut à tous les passionnés de plantes carnivores ! Aujourd’hui, je veux vous parler d’un aspect fascinant de nos plantes carnivores : leur relation particulière avec les mouches. Vous allez...

Les Plantes Carnivores et les Mouches : Tout ce...

Salut à tous les passionnés de plantes carnivores ! Aujourd’hui, je veux vous parler d’un aspect fascinant de nos plantes carnivores : leur relation particulière avec les mouches. Vous allez...

eau plante carnivore

What water for carnivorous plants

Which Water to Choose? Demineralized Water : Demineralized water, the kind sometimes used for irons and unscented, is a popular option for watering carnivorous plants. It is free of minerals...

What water for carnivorous plants

Which Water to Choose? Demineralized Water : Demineralized water, the kind sometimes used for irons and unscented, is a popular option for watering carnivorous plants. It is free of minerals...

Comment arroser une Plante Carnivore

How to Water a Carnivorous Plant

Complete Guide to Watering Carnivorous Plants: Methods and Tips Carnivorous plants, such as Drosera, Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) and Sarracenia, are wonders of nature that have evolved to attract, capture...

How to Water a Carnivorous Plant

Complete Guide to Watering Carnivorous Plants: Methods and Tips Carnivorous plants, such as Drosera, Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) and Sarracenia, are wonders of nature that have evolved to attract, capture...

plante carnivore entretien

How to Care for Carnivorous Plants

You have just received your new carnivorous plants and it is possible that they have suffered a little stress during their trip in the box, with closed traps, or that...

How to Care for Carnivorous Plants

You have just received your new carnivorous plants and it is possible that they have suffered a little stress during their trip in the box, with closed traps, or that...

plante carnivore envoi et emballage

Shipping and Packaging your Carnivorous Plants

Welcome to Carnivore de Sologne, your online store for carnivorous plants made in France. To ensure that your precious carnivorous plants arrive at your home in perfect condition, I have...

Shipping and Packaging your Carnivorous Plants

Welcome to Carnivore de Sologne, your online store for carnivorous plants made in France. To ensure that your precious carnivorous plants arrive at your home in perfect condition, I have...