Carnivore de Sologne offers you a selection of carnivorous plants carefully produced and cultivated in France and selected for their beauty and unique characteristics. These fascinating plants will not fail to add a touch of originality and mystery to all gardens, greenhouses, interiors, cellars, bathrooms, or even your bedroom!

I am sure that Carnivore de Sologne will delight both carnivorous plant enthusiasts and amateurs, as well as anyone who wants to discover the wonders of nature. Thank you for visiting the shop and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments to share.

Les Plantes Carnivores Dévoreuses d’Insectes

Découvrez les plantes carnivores du moment, faciles à cultiver !

  • Comment rempoter une plante carnivore ?

    Repotting carnivorous plant

    Les plantes carnivores nécessitent des soins spécifiques pour rester en bonne santé. Parmi ces soins, le rempotage est une étape essentielle. Dans cet article, je vais vous expliquer comment rempoter...

    Repotting carnivorous plant

    Les plantes carnivores nécessitent des soins spécifiques pour rester en bonne santé. Parmi ces soins, le rempotage est une étape essentielle. Dans cet article, je vais vous expliquer comment rempoter...

  • La taille des Sarracenia sur Carnivore de Sologne

    The size of Sarracenia on Carnivore de Sologne

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    The size of Sarracenia on Carnivore de Sologne

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  • eau plante carnivore

    What water for carnivorous plants

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    What water for carnivorous plants

    Which Water to Choose? Demineralized water: Deionized water, the kind sometimes used for irons and unscented, is a popular option for watering carnivorous plants. It is free of minerals that...

  • plante carnivore entretien

    How to Care for Carnivorous Plants

    You have just received your new carnivorous plants and it is possible that they have suffered a little stress during their trip in the box, with closed traps, or that...

    How to Care for Carnivorous Plants

    You have just received your new carnivorous plants and it is possible that they have suffered a little stress during their trip in the box, with closed traps, or that...

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